"With its impressive action sequences, taut economic direction, and relentlessly fast pace, it's clear why The Terminator continues to be an influence on sci-fi and action flicks."
"A cyborg assassin from the future attempts to find and kill a young woman who is destined to give birth to a warrior that will lead a resistance to save humankind from extinction."
- I didn't mention this when I reviewed it, possibly because I didn't realize it, but Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the only sequel on the AFI list (unless you count Goldfinger, and I don't, really; that's more of a franchise entry and less of a direct sequel to anything that came before it). That also means that T1 and T2 are the only example of multiple movies from the same franchise being on the AFI list without me adding them myself
- I don't want to spend the whole review comparing the two movies, so I'll get it out of the way early. I prefer T2, which I gave a 10/10. They are different flavours of movie, though. T2 is more rip-roaring action while The Terminator is more of a sci-fi horror/slasher so, depending on what you're in the mood for or what genre of movie is more likely to thrill you, your mileage may vary for which one you prefer
- When it comes to sequels and franchises I tend to give the edge to the first in a series - usually more novel and original and often more likely to have a lot of the filmmaker's best ideas. In this case, though, part of my enjoyment in watching this movie came from seeing how it enhances the sequel. Linda Hamilton is very good in this as the person being pursued by the Terminator, but it's even better when we know what a total badass she'll later become. Schwarzenegger is fantastic as an unfeeling killing machine in this movie so it's a great subversion when he becomes a good guy. Even my pick for the best line, "Come with me if you want to live" - it's a great line when Kyle Reese says it to Sarah so it's also great when the Terminator says it to Sarah in the sequel to show her that he's there to protect her, not to kill her this time
- Speaking of best lines, runner-up was "You're terminated, fucker." It might seem odd that I'm not choosing probably the best-known line from the movie, "I'll be back," but I also found it kind of odd that that became the iconic line. It comes immediately before Arnold rams a car into a police station, but aside from that it's kind of unimportant as far as lines of dialogue go
- And speaking of cars, loved the car stunts in this movie. You know me, I like a good car stunt
- I liked the special effects a lot, even if they were a little janky at times, let's be honest. The fake Arnold head that was used for the eye surgery scene, for example. In no way was it convincing, but the whole thing was filmed with such sincerity that it still worked for me. Same goes for the robotic Terminator that was used in the climax
- Lots of great action sequences aside from the climax. Also worth mentioning, the shootout in the club and the Terminator's assault on the police station. It was also a very chilling moment when Sarah realizes that only people named Sarah Connor are being targeted by the Terminator's killing spree
- And believe it or not, with that we have seen the last of Arnold Schwarzenegger on the AFI list (although Predator will be coming up in the Readers' Poll movies). I was fully planning on just leaving it at that until I looked up Arnold's filmography while watching The Terminator and realized how early it was in his body of work. Then I saw that The Terminator came right after another movie I'd never seen and I made the call to add one more Schwarzenegger movie before moving on. So...