- First time seeing it
- Thor on Earth was delightful, made me laugh several times, and contained some good action scenes
- Asgard was a bunch of CGI bullshit that I didn't care about
- I will admit, when I first saw Asgard, I was impressed in a Lord of the Rings-y way, but those parts of the movie didn't have the story or characters to back up the setting
- After the movie ended, both Ashley and I commented that we remember Thor breaking that rainbow bridge thing with his hammer, but neither of us could remember why. If this is the result of your movie's climax, something has gone awry with the stakes
- The less I see of Anthony Hopkins' eye socket, the better
- That Chris Hemsworth, boy. When he took off his shirt both Ashley and I responded verbally
- However, I'm convinced his beard and eyebrows look weird in this one. I'm pretty sure they get darker in later movies
- Setting aside some creepy stuff towards Scarlett Johansson in Iron Man 2, am I right in thinking that these movies objectify the male bodies more than the females? There's Hemsworth in this one, and I know Chris Evans gets some attention in later movies. So, progress?

- First time seeing it
- Robert Downey Jr. still having a good time, although a depressed and dying Tony Stark isn't as fun as one who's just discovering his abilities
- I was excited to see Mickey Rourke as the villain. But my GOD was he boring. How hard is it to make a vengeful Russian with crazy electric whips a compelling character?
- You know which character I would expect to find boring? A RIVAL BUSINESSMAN. But I couldn't get enough of Sam Rockwell. That guy knows how to play an entertaining villain!
- ScarJo got a great action scene near the end of the movie, but Black Widow's introduction was disappointingly undercut in the service of a twist reveal

- First time seeing it
- Some fine action scenes
- I enjoy Edward Norton very much as an actor. However, he doesn't often play likable. From the Marvel movies I've seen, and what I know of the franchise, they traffic in likability and charisma, to the point that I've already decided I need to come up with some synonyms for those words. It's hard to imagine Edward Norton interacting with the charisma-bombs who appear in the later movies. Ruffalo definitely fits in better
- On the flip side, I really don't think Liv Tyler is a good actor at all. I liked her in That Thing You Do. She was fine in The Strangers. I haven't seen Armageddon though, so, grain of salt
- Evil Tim Roth Hulk was kind of cool looking at the end, exposed bones and all, but...
- In thinking about committing myself to a viewing of all the Marvel movies I've been worried about CGI overload, and it's already hitting me. There's something I find so ineffectual and boring about CGI, and I'm not entirely sure why that is, since animated movies can have a big impact on me. Is there something about real actors and settings being juxtaposed against CGI that pulls me out of it? Is there a particular way the Marvel movies use CGI that doesn't do it for me? I'm curious what other people have to say about CGI and the special effects in general in the Marvel movies
- It does have to be said, the Hulk doesn't always look great in this one
- Liked Tony Stark showing up at the end, although the version we watched had that as a pre-credits scene instead of post-credits. For the longest time I really didn't think this movie was an official part of the MCU, but that scene clinched it
- People who have seen both, how does this compare to Ang Lee/Eric Bana's version?