Monday, October 14, 2019


 Ant-Man and the Wasp poster.jpg

  • First time seeing it
  • Liked it. It was a fun, light movie with a funny script and charming performances
  • Lost some of the ingenuity of the way the first Ant-Man played with scale. Best action scene was Hope fighting bad guys early in the movie, shrinking in size and using kitchen implements to her advantage
  • As per usual, villains were meh
  • For such a big name, definitely expected more Pfeiffer than what we got
  • Really liked Randall Park. He was a delight
  • Michael Peña was still fun but he didn't have as much to do. I was happy to see the return of the Luis story
  • I liked the climax. It was wacky, and multi-faceted, and it kept my attention
  • THAT MID-CREDITS SCENE, THOUGH. That got me. Possibly the most effective mid-credits scene yet, which is saying something considering this is one of the lower-stakes movies
  • Oh. And one last thing. The scenes of Paul Rudd on house arrest singing karaoke and playing drums reminded me of this video. Damn does our boy look good playing the drums

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