Tuesday, October 15, 2019


 Captain Marvel (film) poster.jpg

  • First time seeing it
  • I knew very little about the character, and this was a weirder movie than I expected going into it. The early part reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy without the wisecracks (the Kree connection might have something to do with this), and I found it disorienting and hard to connect with. I couldn't tell how much I was liking or disliking the movie for most of its runtime, although it was keeping my attention
  • This is one of those cases where I developed a stronger appreciation after the fact. We watched it last night. I've landed on the conclusion that I quite enjoyed it after all, while not quite meeting the level of my favourites
  • A fair amount of this was familiar, but it worked for me. The Skrulls were effective villains while they were still the villains, and more on that in a moment. I liked what was done with shape-shifting
  • I'm not usually one to spend too much time anticipating what a movie's going to throw at me. Most people could have anticipated the twist a mile away, if for no other reason than the fact that we've seen the Kree before and they were not nice. But I liked the twist, and I liked how the movie changed our view of these characters
  • Fun cast, good chemistry. They do love their de-aging technology, don't they
  • Holy Moses, does Captain Marvel get super-powered. Not surprising that Fury hit up that pager at the end of Infinity War
  • This might be surprising to hear, but I liked the climax. The fact that it basically consisted of Carol absolutely DESTROYING set it apart from the same old climax beats we've seen 20 times already
  • Girl power without hitting you over the head with it. This movie fits into the Marvel formula, and it's been said many times that it shouldn't have taken this long for a female-centric Marvel movie, but looking at the team behind this is heartening. Also the subtle touches like the soundtrack, which is not only kick-ass, but also features some terrific contributions from ladies of rock

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