Friday, June 14, 2019


 Thor is holding his hammer while staring at something in the distance.

  • First time seeing it
  • Probably last time seeing it
  • I didn't entirely hate it. I just didn't care. I might have been better prepared for what to expect from this one, so with low expectations, I at least didn't find myself disappointed, and I think my expectations might have been surpassed
  • Despite ragging on the movie as a whole, I thought the climax was legitimately awesome, and I'd go so far as to say that it was one of my favourite climaxes so far in the MCU. The dimensional portals, the wonky gravity and the great special effects all worked for me. I've already started getting a little bored by the big final action set pieces in these movies, but this one surprised and engrossed me
  • The first Thor movie gave me a total Lord of the Rings vibe, so I was amused to find that this one seemed to be going for more of a Star Wars pastiche. I got this impression even before Thor loses his hand, but that clinched it. At that point I even started to admire it more as deliberate homage, as opposed to shallow mimicry. And THEN I'm told that someone loses a hand in every Phase 2 movie, as a direct reference to The Empire Strikes Back, which I think is a pretty cool little Easter egg
  • Hemsworth wasn't given as much fun stuff to do here, but man, he shows a lot of commitment to this character in the sincere way he plays him, even when he's actively poking fun at said sincerity
  • I've had enough Kat Dennings for now, thanks. Also, what an odd little thankless role for Chris O'Dowd. And this was after he was in Bridesmaids
  • Loved the Chris Evans cameo

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