Thursday, August 1, 2019


 Official poster shows the Avengers team factions which led by Iron Man and Captain America, confronting each other by looking each other, with the film's slogan above them, and the film's title, credits, and release date below them.

  • First time seeing it
  • Excellent
  • This movie has a lot in common with Winter Soldier, which was also one of the best movies so far in the franchise. Makes perfect sense, considering the two movies share directors and screenwriters. When Civil War first came out I went for a very long time thinking it was an Avengers film, given the sprawling cast of characters. But considering the sensibility and tone of this movie, it does have more in common with the Captain America movies than the Avengers movies
  • Amazing action sequences. There's a wonderful sense of verticality to some of these scenes, for example Bucky's stairwell escape and the missile silo fight towards the end. Lots of practical effects, which we've established make a big difference for me. A fair number of plainclothes fight scenes, too, which are fun to see the actual actors kick ass. Also some great car stunts
  • In terms of tone, this one is also pretty serious. Again, it worked very well. But going into it I was expecting a lighter-style romp than what we got. It's funny to think that some of the Marvel movies that rely the least on humour were also directed by the Russos, who were well-known for their work on two of the funniest shows ever made, Arrested Development and Community
  • I knew all about the airport fight. In fact, I had watched the airport fight already. One of the best sequences yet in any Marvel movie, definitely lives up to its potential. What I didn't realize, though, was that the airport fight wasn't the actual climax of the movie. With 45 minutes left to go, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But the ending, with Tony and Steve going mano a mano, was tremendous. I would call this the best climax in a Marvel movie so far, and if you lump it together with the airport fight and call them Climax 1 and Climax 2, well, there's really no contest. The Avengers movies are the only ones on the same level
  • The Howard Stark reveal totally got me. I reacted verbally. I also thought Robert Downey Jr. put in some excellent acting in this movie, something the Marvel films don't usually get attention for
  • Marvel villains, mostly, are dull. I've said this before, others have said this before. This villain was fine, but dull. However, the genius of this movie is in where the conflict is actually focused. Some of my favourite scenes have been when our heroes fight against each other. As I said in my Age of Ultron post, we care about these characters separately and love watching them work with and against each other. The central conflict, the action sequences, everything stemming from Tony going against Steve, worked incredibly well. The movie also did a great job of toying with our sympathies and making us straddle the line between rooting for one or the other
  • Great intros to Spider-Man and Black Panther. Peter's intro and his interactions with Tony were especially fun, and I can't wait to see Homecoming
  • Funniest scene was probably when Ant-Man showed up. I LOVE YOU, PAUL RUDD
  • So Chris Evans should just devote the rest of his career to restraining helicopters with his bare hands, right?

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