Friday, August 30, 2019


 Spider-Man Homecoming poster.jpg

  • First time seeing it
  • I very much enjoyed the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies when they came out, including Spider-Man 3, as I remember. It has also been quite some time since I watched them. Those movies benefited greatly from being unique and novel, and earlier examples of how to do blockbuster superhero movies. They were light, and fun, and funny, while still having some good action scenes and special effects. If I watched them now, I'm sure they'd feel very similar to the *counts on fingers* SIXTEEN Marvel movies I've watched in the past half a year
  • Side note, I didn't see either of the Andrew Garfield movies
  • This is a long way of saying that Spider-Man: Homecoming was a very, very fun Spider-Man movie, while not really doing a whole lot better than the Tobey Maguire ones, in my opinion. But let's talk about the actual movie at hand, now
  • Loved Tom Holland in Civil War, and loved his interactions with Robert Downey Jr., so it was pretty disappointing there wasn't more of that. Instead we got Happy Hogan...Thanks?
  • Tom Holland was a lot of fun in this one, too, and definitely skewed younger than Tobey, feeling more like a high schooler. And speaking of which...
  • JESUS CHRIST, TOM HOLLAND. When I saw him without his shirt on I immediately looked up how old he was when they filmed this because I felt like a pervert. The good news is he's 23 now, so he was about 20 when they filmed it. The bad news is that Peter's supposed to be 15 in the movie, so I still kind of feel like a pervert
  • I liked Tom Holland's performance so much that it was even more of a bummer that his face was covered in so many scenes. Comes with the superhero territory, I suppose, but I think it affects Spider-Man more than most
  • Michael Keaton - kind of boring as a kind of boring villain, but great as a protective, vaguely menacing father. Combining these two aspects made the later villain stuff more interesting. At some point that character twist was spoiled for me, and I wish it had been more of a surprise, but it was still pretty effective
  • The action was serviceable, if not memorable
  • I really liked this movie's sense of humour and comic timing. All the way up to the last second of the movie, with Aunt May's "WHAT THE FU--," I laughed a lot at this one. The funny Marvel movies sit high on the list for me; I'm still holding Iron Man 3 as one of my favourites. For this reason, if you've been following along, you probably know why I'm excited for the next one in the franchise

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