Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Doctor Strange, wearing his traditional costume, including his red cloak coming out from a flowing energetic portal, and around him the world and New York turning around itself with the film's cast names above him and the film's title, credits and billing are underneath.

  • First time seeing it
  • LOVED the special effects. Visually incredible. Just like with Ant-Man, the effects were used to show us scenes and settings that would have been otherwise impossible. I wish I had gone to see it on the big screen
  • Lots of comparisons to Inception, another movie that really impressed me. I definitely got some Matrix vibes too
  • Having said all that, by the time the climax rolled around, I had no fukken idea what was happening with the plot or the villains' motivations. It might be more clear on a rewatch. But the thing is, I didn't actually care that much. The stuff at the end was still so visually inventive, with the Dark Dimension and the time loop, that I was fully engaged right to the end
  • I saw a few episodes of Sherlock, but this was the first movie starring role I'd seen of Benny C. I liked his performance a lot, although that accent at times seemed a liiiiittle shaky. He really does have a sexy alien thing going for him
  • I liked Tilda Swinton. I think she brought a fun impishness to her character that was clever and subversive. However, I am going to come down on the anti-whitewashing side. I'm sure an Asian actor could have given a performance that was just as good, and I will always support more diversity in movies
  • Thanks for coming, Mads Mikkelsen, Michael Stuhlbarg, Rachel McAdams and Benjamin Bratt. You did very little to enhance this movie but it's probably not your fault
  • I actually thought this movie could have had fewer jokes. Not all of them landed for me, and I found a lot of the humourous beats tonally jarring. I didn't think this movie needed it, it had enough going on otherwise. I'm sorry, Marvel. I know I'm fickle and hard to predict. I know I've complained about the opposite in past movie write-ups. What can I say. I contain multitudes

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