Sunday, August 25, 2019


 The Guardian members in front of a colorful explosion

  • Saw it in the theatre when it came out
  • I still feel a little bad for how hard I was on the first Guardians with my rewatch. I went into this one with an open mind, and again with the memory of enjoying it the first time I saw it
  • Some of the things I liked about the first Guardians are even better in this one, while some of the faults are still present. Overall, I enjoyed watching it again, though
  • From beginning to end, I adore how colourful and vibrant this movie is
  • Once again, Rocket is a lot of fun, you can tell how much Bradley Cooper likes voicing him. For me, though, and surely for a lot of people, Baby Groot is the MVP of this movie, and the source of the best gags
  • Another great, tone-setting opening credits sequence
  • I loved the first movie's soundtrack. I loved this one even more. So many of my favourite scenes are enhanced by the song choices, and quite a few of the songs are ones I'd heard before in my life but didn't give much thought to. Thanks to this movie, I developed a new appreciation for most of these songs
  • My favourite sequence is the scene where Rocket, Baby Groot and Yondu escape from the Ravagers' ship. Come a Little Bit Closer is a fantastic song choice, and Yondu's whistley arrow thing is super cool every time it's on screen, especially with the neon tail effect
  • As a villain, I thought Ego was a really cool concept, executed well. I always like seeing Kurt Russell. The climax was fine, but I really liked the little humourous touches like Baby Groot and the bomb, and Quill flying around off-screen asking if anyone had any tape
  • The space battles left me kind of cold
  • I think I laughed more at this movie than the first one, but again, I ended up wishing it was just a little funnier than what we got. Like I said above, I love Rocket and Groot. But splitting up the team for a big chunk of the movie wasn't a great choice, and I never found Drax's shtick all that amusing
  • The ending funeral scene didn't hit me in the feels like it did for some people, but I appreciated closing the movie with one last visually vibrant scene

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